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Which French as a second language course level should I choose ?

Which French as a second language course level should I choose ?

If you are not sure which level to choose, you can do this self-assessment test. The goal of this test is to evaluate your abilities to understand and speak French to determine the best class level for you.

  • If you cannot answer or you don’t understand the questions of the first level, you must register in the beginner level A1.1.
  • If you can answer or you understand the questions of the first level, you must register in level A1.2.
  • If you cannot answer or you don’t understand the questions of the second level, you must register in level A1.2.
  • If you can somewhat answer or you somewhat understand the questions of the second level, you must register in level A1.2.
  • If you can answer or you understand the questions of the second level, you must register in level A1.3.
  • If you can answer the questions of the third levels, these French courses are not for you.


Niveau 1 / Level 1

  • Comment vous vous appelez? Comment ça s’écrit?
  • Quel est votre âge?
  • Quelle est votre nationalité?
  • Où habitez-vous?

Niveau 2 / Level 2

  • Quelles activités aimez-vous? Quelles activités n’aimez-vous pas?
  • Présentez votre famille (noms et âges).
  • Comment allez-vous au travail ou au MIFO?
  • Racontez une journée typique au travail ou à la maison.

Niveau 3 / Level 3

  • Racontez votre dernière fin de semaine.
  • Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?