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Foire aux questions
What are MIFO’s priorities over the next 5 years?

What are MIFO’s priorities over the next 5 years?

Priority – 1 Modernization of spaces
Build, inhabit and bring to life a new centre to promote the vitality of MIFO and its community.

Priority 2 – Active in its community
Provide a dynamic presence within the community.

Priority 3 – Engaged teens
Offer Francophone teens the opportunity to imagine, create and contribute to the community.

To learn more about MIFO's story and objectives, check out the À propos du MIFO page (in French only).

Becoming an actor of the Movement is easy! You can donate online to MIFO's major fundraising campaign at a time convenient for you.

Do you have questions?

Check out the FAQ.

Contact the campaign office:
613 830-6436 ext. 235

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