Meet the actors of the Movement
Once again, the MIFO family is coming together to build a strong and proud community. All together - children, students, participants, members, volunteers, employees, colleagues, neighbors and partners - we form this great family.
With this important project, we will have the space to welcome and gather people who want to flourish in French. In the new MIFO, Francophones and Francophiles of all ages will have space to create memories, meet, exchange and grow.
This is Normand Leroux, Executive Director of the Caisse populaire Trillium. He reveals that Desjardins and MIFO share many values: family, community involvement, solidarity. We know that by working together, we will be able to offer our growing community bold spaces that meet its needs.
Thank you to Desjardins for its donation.

Sébastien Lorquet, partner at Fasken and the campaign's chair, shares his attachment to the MIFO: "It has been a big part of my life. I grew up with it and it helped me forge my Francophone identity. I have so many memories accumulated over the years, especially within the walls of our Cultural Centre. It is now time to build a 'New MIFO' in our image: innovative, dynamic, creative, ecological, accessible, multigenerational, multicultural, and last but not least, 'Franco-proud'."
Thank you to Fasken for its donation.

Valérie Marcil, Marc Brazeau and Luc Labbé, partners at Marcil Lavallée, all agree: MIFO is an important institution for the community and makes Franco-Ontarian culture vibrate. They commit themselves to make our Francophonie strong and live in a unique place like the new MIFO.
Thank you Marcil Lavallée for its donation.

For Sicotte Guilbault, employer of Francophones and Francophiles in Orléans, the MIFO is an important gathering place. Michel Sicotte (founding partner) and his team recognize that the construction of our new centre will allow the community to thrive and will provide it with an essential space for its growth.
Thank you to Sicotte Guilbault for its donation.

Honorary Committee
Raymond Benoît*
Marc Bertrand
Pierrette Boisvert
Christian-Charle Bouchard
Florian Couture*
Monique DesLauriers*
Jean-Guy Doyon*
Rolande Faucher
Nicole Fortier*
Normand Leroux
Louis Patry
Pierrette Thibaudeau*
*MIFO founders
Campaign Cabinet
Sébastien Lorquet, Campaing Chair
Marc Brazeau
Pierre Benoît
Christian Coulombe
Trèva Cousineau
Sébastien Dignard
Edith Gibeault
Benoît Hubert
Mélanie Routhier Boudreau, MIFO Executive Director
Manon Gaudreau, MIFO Manager of Corporate Strategies
MIFO's Board of Directors
Trèva Cousineau, president
Yanik Guilbault, vice-president
Yannick Charette, treasurer
Joëlle Drouin, secretary
Luc Bessette
Mathieu Gauthier
Éric Génier
Carol Jolin
Martin Laporte
Lead Gifts ($250,000 and above)
- Desjardins
Lead Gifts ($100,000 to $249,999)
- Fonds commémoratif des IVes Jeux de la Francophonie
- Fondation Véronic DiCaire
- Normand Roch Lapointe
Major Gifts ($50,000 to $99,999)
- Complexe funéraire Héritage
- EO Patrimoine familial
- Fasken
- Marcil Lavallée
- Sicotte Guilbault
Major Gifts ($25,000 to 49,999$)
- Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est
- Conseil des écoles publiques de l'Est de l'Ontario
- Wired Synergy
- Club Richelieu Vanier-Laurier
Special Gifts ($5,000 to $24,999)
- Association des enseignants et des enseignantes franco-ontariens (AEFO)
- Assurances Palladium
- Croisières Outaouais/ Ottawa Boat Cruise
- EQ Homes
- Famille Gibeault: Claudette, Marcel, Edith, Mathieu, Marie-France
- Famille Cathie et Jean-Pierre Soublière
- Logan Katz
- Louis Patry et Nicole Patry
- Marc Brazeau
- Marie-Claude Doucet et Mario Parisien
- Nicole Fortier et Mike Nakashoji
- Pagi Construction
- Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall
- PGF Consultants
- Prebbel
- Rhéal Leroux
- Sébastien, Karina, Mélodie et Maxime Lorquet
- Stephen Blais - conseiller
- Sylvie-Anne Groulx et Sébastien Dignard
General Gifts ($500 to $4,999)
- Estelle Audet
- Automark Ottawa
- Raymond Benoît
- Jacinthe Bergevin
- Luc Bessette
- Guillaume Blais
- Pierrette Boisvert
- Boston Pizza Orléans
- Aimé et Madeleine Boulé
- Muguette Bourdeau
- Ronald Caza
- Denis Chartrand
- Club Alfred-Goulet
- Christian Coulombe
- Aline et Michel Coulombe
- Gabriel Pizza Orléans
- Jean-Guy Doyon
- Rachel Dufresne
- Ian Ferris
- Normand et Françoise Fortier
- Joëlle Drouin et Stéphane Galipeau
- Olivier Gauthier
- Matt Hendricks
- Jennifer et François Lanthier
- Famille Levert
- Dr. Alain L. Ménard
- Myers Orléans Nissan
- Louise O'Connor
- Francine Saumure
- Carolle Séguin et David Edmunds
- Théâtre du Village
- Michelle et Bertrand Thériault
- Jean-Marc Trottier
- Céline Vézina et Richard Burnford
- Danielle Vinette
Unspecified gifts
- Agence de recouvrement Unik
- Jean-François Born
- Club Richelieu d'Orléans
- Trèva et André Cousineau
- Florian Couture
- Angèle et Normand Delisle
- Monique DesLauriers
- Rolande Faucher
- André Gareau
- Carmen Janelle-Born
- Gerald Lacombe
- Marie-Blanche Lanoue
- Monique Proulx
- Orléans Gardens Dental – Dr Marenco et Dr Nguyen
- Josée Séguin
- Anne Sheppard et André Claude
- Manon St-Denis Brunet et Michel Brunet
- Pierrette Thibaudeau
- Traiteur PUR
- Denis Vaillancourt
- Josée Vaillancourt

To make a donation by credit card or debit, please fill out this form. For all other payment methods, please contact our campaign office:
613 830-6436 or
Check out the major fundraising campaign's FAQ or contact our campaign office.
- In person: 6600, Carrière Street (Operating hours.)
- By phone: 613 830-6436
- By email: